Organic Raw Cacao Beans — RAW CHOCOLATE ENERGY





RAW CHOCOLATE ENERGY, MAGNESIUM ANTI-DEPRESSION, ANTIOXIDANTS. Everyone has eaten a chocolate bar, bought from the local corner shops, but these cocoa beans have been cooked. We’ve all seen coffee beans, why has almost no-one ever seen a single raw chocolate bean?! Could it be Jack and the Beanstalk in real life? Or maybe Willy Wonka?! Money doesn’t grow on trees, but Chocolate certainly does. Raw Cacao’s most magical natural state is uncooked, untouched by metal factory processing, where the benefits are incredibly potent compared to the mere trace amounts found in cooked chocolate. These sun-loving-seeds contain a Willy Wonka sized secret which has been kept quietly closed behind Chocolate Factory doors since early discovery. Meet Nature’s antidepressant. When eaten raw, chocolate works spell-binding wonders in one’s life. So highly valued by ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations, these sacred beans were once used as money, edible money! If you dropped one, you picked it up again!

CONTAINS : the·o·bro·mine – noun /ˌTHēəˈbrōˌmēn/ /-min/

Theo : derived from the Greek “Theos”, meaning = God

broma : derived from the Greek word, meaning = Food

It’s possible to motivate, stimulate and build muscle from the nutritious building blocks of raw chocolate. Caffeine on the other hand is a poison with no nutritious benefits, the only reason we feel alert is because we’ve been poisoned. Overloading on caffeine is used a form of torture, and can lead to death, approximately 70 cups of coffee. It’s practically impossible to die from raw chocolate as the dosage would have to be over 1000mg of theobromine per KG of body weight. At approximately 500mg theobromine per 100g dark chocolate bar, 150 bars of chocolate must be consumed to kill a 75KG person. That’s 15KG of chocolate in one day. Let’s compare the effects of Theobromine vs. Caffeine side by side…

Theobromine Caffeine
Gentle stimulant Intense stimulant 
Mild effect Strong effect
Slow and steady onset Very fast onset
Long lasting Rapid dissipation 
50% in the bloodstream after 6-10 hours  50% in the bloodstream after 2-5 hours
Increases feeling of wellbeing  Increases alertness
Natural mild antidepressant Increases emotional stress
Gentle, smooth, sensual stimulation Jagged nervous stimulation 
Stimulates muscular system Stimulates nervous system
Mild effect on central nervous system Strong effect on central nervous system
Very people are allergic Many people are allergic
Not addictive Physically addictive
No withdrawal symptoms Many known withdrawal symptoms
Mild diuretic  Extreme diuretic 
Stimulates the kidneys Requires large intake of fluids
Decreases cortisol levels Increases cortisol levels

Our Cacao beans are organically grown, picked and sun-dried to retain their rawsome unroasted qualities, then shipped in air-tight packaging from Peru – to you! Most beneficial properties, such as tryptophan, are heat-volatile; meaning once you cook ‘em, the benefits are almost gone. We’ve taken special care to source RAW cacao beans and powder to keep you “full of beans” all day long! 

I invite you to take this rare opportunity to experience Chocolate in it’s most magical natural state. In brain chemistry terms, our society is severely magnesium-deficient. Going nuts with cacao is equivalent to eating nutritious natural magnesium supplements; vital building blocks of human well-being. Cacao boasts 621 antioxidants, in comparison to blueberries, the closest competitor with 31. Raw Chocolate is by far the richest source of iron, magnesium and chromium than any other pocket-sized food in the world. It can be used as a superfood-supermood-enhancer, supplement, snack, or drink, Raw chocolate “cacao ceremonies” are renown for celebrating it’s aphrodisiac and blood cleansing qualities; improving blood flow, circulation, reducing clotting, lowering cholesterol, and decreasing risks of heart disease or cancer AND all of this while magically raising serotonin levels (neurotransmitter of all good vibes). Cacao works as a catalyst potentiating 3 psychoactive pathways: tryptophan/ tryptamine, phenylalanine/ phenylethylamine, cannabinoid/ anandamide– unlocking areas of your mind usually dormant, bringing forth euphoric enlightened sparks of energetic insight and bliss sensations usually associated with falling in love.

Commercial chocolate contains very little pure jungle magic after it’s heat volatile components have been roasted to death ‘for flavour’; they call this process dutching. You may see “dutched chocolate” for sale; this means it’s been roasted to hell and back for super rich flavour, but now lacks all the beneficial properties. Unlike 80-90% of the world’s commercially mass-produced chocolate industry supplies of Forastero-cocoa, our RAW beans were selected from the rare delicacy Criollo variety, for their fruitfully insightful high. Our organically grown Criollo-cacao is picked and sun-dried to retain their rawsome unroasted qualities, then shipped in air-tight packaging from Peru – to you! These little gems contain pure jungle magic with a consciously-creative edge that provides enough clarity and stimulation to make everyday an adventure. 

Cacao Side Effects

Every plant has its price, and it’s pleasure. Consumption of cacao should preferably be in the mornings on an empty stomach for maximum effect. Cacao is a mild stimulant and should be treated as such. Raw Cacao is highly recommended as a substitutional stepping stone to help addicts move away from their poisonous caffeine addictions. Beginning the day with a “hot-chocolate” or raw chocolate smoothie instead of a coffee is a good start to elevate your mood and mindful focus, but don’t get stuck there. Cacao should be respectfully used on special occasions; make your own gourmet ice-creams, chocolate brownies, raw-energy-balls and snacks. Have fun with it, while being aware of overuse = over stimulation; adrenal fatigue, increased nervousness, urination, heartbeat and even heart palpitations and insomnia if not respected. 

12 Raw Chocolate Commandments

  1. Theobromine = Energy Booster
  2. Magnesium = Mood-enhancing Brain Food
  3. Antioxidants = Removes potentially damaging oxidising agents
  4. Sulphur = The Beauty Mineral
  5. B-Vitamins = Stress Relief
  6. Phenylethylamine (PEA) = The Love Chemical
  7. Anandamide = The Bliss Chemical
  8. Mineral Power House = Nutritious alternative to poisonous caffeine
  9. MAOIs = Depression Relief
  10. Tryptophan = To Relax
  11. Serotonin = For feelin’ good!!
  12. Dopamine = Enjoy Life 

Additional information

Weight N/A

1KG, 2KG, 5KG