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Chlorella is also known as “green gold” – popular among those seeking to nourish their body with highly absorbable plant protein, vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, omega-3s and more. This chlorophyll-rich powder helps promote blood purification and cleansing of the body. You may be familiar with spirulina, well chlorella is an upgrade; it’s a similar algae, but in my opinion; -even better! This dark green algae found in fresh water contains up to 70% protein! If you’re looking to add a solid health boost to your routine without too much fuss, chlorella has got you covered with this easy-to-digest powder that is also easy to mix. 

I find spirulina floats on top of the liquid while attempting to stir, making it lumpy and awkward to mix, chlorella doesn’t seem to have this issue. Chlorella is a single-celled, green freshwater algae. It’s rich in vitamins and minerals, but has a few more tricks up its sleeves as a nutritional powerhouse and detoxifier. Chlorella is a superfood that has been used since ancient times. It contains significant amounts of chlorophyll, amino acids and vitamin B12, you will be able to feel a boost of energy and contribute to a better immune system. 

How does chlorella differ from spirulina? They’re both nutrient-dense algae, spirulina is a little higher in protein and B vitamins, whereas chlorella has more iron and zinc. Chlorella mixes with fluids easier, spirulina can get a bit lumpy and float on top of your liquid, making it more difficult to mix. Both benefit the natural detoxification process, but here is the kicker, the reason I call chlorella the “upgrade” – it binds to heavy metals. 

Heavy Metal Chelation & Detoxification. Chlorella algae are considered to be highly resistant to heavy metals and can chelate heavy metal ions. Parsley and Cilantro possess this superpower, but it’s significantly easier to mix a few spoons of powder into a drink than it is to juice or blend enough of these herbs on a regular basis to get chelation therapy benefits. The removal rates of heavy metals were recorded for every 4 days during the experimental period. Chlorella removed 37%, 43% and 67% of copper after 4, 8, 12 days respectively. The percentage removal of chromium was 34%, 43% and 50% respectively at 4, 8, and 12 days. This is especially good news if you have been exposed to aluminium and mercury from those pesky injections many have been coerced into. Clinical research has also shown chlorella removed mercury from the bowels, blood and cells. Chlorella has been shown to strengthen your immune system by boosting your immune cell numbers to increase production of powerful immune chemicals like interferon.

Supports Eye Health & Glowing Skin. While we think chlorella’s internal benefits are amazing, it’s also beneficial for protecting your body from the inside out, including to your skin. Chlorella contains protective antioxidants called carotenoids (a fancy word for “protectant against free radicals and inflammation”). Free radicals are dangerous molecules floating through our environment that cause damage on a cellular level. Inflammation is the result of toxins or stress in the body causing irritation on a cellular level. Show your skin some love by taking chlorella as a supplement. While most people look to carrots for eye health, scientists have found that chlorella is actually even more beneficial. It contains both lutein and zeaxanthin, which are key nutrients for the eyes. So if you want healthy vision, look to chlorella, because it just might help you look at everything else!

Heart Support & Anti-Ageing. Chlorella powder is a nutritious dietary supplement that has been praised for its antioxidant benefits—including its ability to promote heart & kidney health, support a healthy immune system, and even help prevent ageing.  


Muscle Gains. Chlorella has a significant ability to bioaccumulate testosterone, when we combine these findings with the improved performance in both endurance and weight lifting, plus the 70% protein content we have a recipe for making serious muscle gains… while detoxifying! This is what makes chlorella such a special and rare superfood. It should be at the top of everyone’s wishlist. You cannot overdose on chlorella, it could be treated like an expensive and incredible protein powder, but you will have to find a way to dilute the funky taste! 

Other Benefits of Chlorella Powder

  • Natural Detox
  • Heavy Metals Chelation Therapy
  • Heart Support
  • Anti-Ageing
  • Muscle Gains 
  • Endurance and Strength
  • Glowing Skin
  • Immune Booster
  • Red Blood Cell Formation
  • Energy Booster
  • Eye Health Support
  • Healthy Liver
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Antimicrobial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Manage Diabetes 
  • Reduce Cancer Risk
  • Protein Powerhouse (up to 70%)
  • Vitamin B12
  • Iron & Vitamin C
  • Omega-3 Rich

Broken-cell-wall Chlorella. The organic chlorella I have sourced is gently dried after harvest, then the cell walls are broken using a unique, chemical-free centrifuge process, enabling optimal nutrient absorption. If your chlorella supplements are not “broken cell-wall” you could be missing out on most of the  nourishing, energising and detoxifying green algae benefits. Broken-cell-wall provides the highest digestibility and nutrient absorption rate. 

Chlorella Taste Warning: I would not recommend that you add large quantities of chlorella to your smoothie because the taste can be so overpowering that it could potentially ruin the flavour of your entire breakfast. Use some trial and error here, a teaspoon diluted into a large glass of juice will be ok, but a couple heaped tablespoons will hijack a whole drink! What I tend to do myself is separate chlorella (and spirulina) from my “meals” (smoothies) by making a separate medicine mix which is chugged down along with all the other funky tasting things like lemon, apple cider vinegar, ginger, turmeric, by batching all these things together you are free to really enjoy your sweet smoothies. This mineral-rich algae is harvested from oceans around the world, and while it may look and taste a little funky, it adds a big superfood punch, thanks to its impressive protein content and wide variety of essential vitamins and minerals. 

Serving Suggestion: Mix with an acidic base like apple cider vinegar, lemon water, orange, grapefruit or pineapple juice to improve digestion and absorption. This is the perfect opportunity to get your MSM and other anti-inflammatory medicines in, such as turmeric and ginger. Since none of these taste pleasant you may as well batch them together. 

Additional information

Weight N/A

500g, 1KG, 2KG, 5KG